How to Scrape Amazon: 2024 Guide

Updated: October 17, 2024

Want to grab Amazon data without getting blocked? Here's what you need to know:

  • Amazon scraping can get you product info, prices, reviews, and seller data
  • It's powerful for market research, price tracking, and competitor analysis
  • But it's tricky - Amazon doesn't like scrapers and actively blocks them

Here's a quick rundown on how to scrape Amazon in 2024:

  1. Choose your scraping tool (no-code or Python-based)
  2. Set up proxies and rotate IPs to avoid blocks
  3. Use browser automation to act more human-like
  4. Clean and organize your scraped data
  5. Store data in CSV, JSON, or databases
  6. Automate your scraping for regular updates

Remember: Scrape responsibly. Follow Amazon's robots.txt, don't overload their servers, and respect user privacy.

Scraping Approach Best For Key Features
No-code tools Beginners Easy setup, templates
Python scripts Developers Flexible, customizable
Browser extensions Quick scrapes Simple, limited features
Cloud solutions Large-scale Scalable, proxy management

Scraping Amazon can be powerful, but it comes with risks. Always check the latest Amazon policies and scraping laws before you start.

Amazon's Website Structure


Amazon's site is a data goldmine, but scraping it isn't easy. Let's break it down.

Key Parts of Amazon Pages

Here's what you're after:

  • Product Title: span#productTitle
  • Price: span.priceToPay
  • List Price: span.basisPrice .a-offscreen
  • Review Rating: #acrPopover a > span
  • Review Count: #acrCustomerReviewText
  • Images: #altImages .item img
  • Product Overview: #productOverview_feature_div tr

But watch out - Amazon changes these often.

Types of Data You Can Scrape

Data Type Description Use Case
Product Details Title, ASIN, brand, features Market research
Pricing Current price, list price, discounts Price tracking
Reviews Rating, text, helpful votes Sentiment analysis
Seller Info Seller name, rating, fulfillment method Supplier research
Images Product photos, customer images Visual analysis

Common Scraping Problems

Scraping Amazon? Brace yourself:

1. Bot Detection: Amazon's algorithms are sharp.

2. Changing Layouts: What works today might fail tomorrow.

3. Captchas: Get ready to solve puzzles.

4. IP Blocks: Scrape too fast, get shown the door.

5. Data Volume: Can you handle millions of products?

To win, be smart. Rotate IPs, add random delays, and always have a Plan B.

"Scraped data from Amazon is pulled from the lens of the consumer which is often substantially different from data provided by various Amazon APIs." - Grepsr

This is why scraping matters - and why Amazon makes it tough. You're getting the real deal, just like shoppers see it.

Scraping Amazon's data? It's tricky. Here's the deal:

Amazon's Rules

Amazon's Terms of Service say NO to:

  • Automated website access
  • Too many requests
  • Messing with their services
  • Using their trademarks without permission

Break these rules? You might get blocked or sued. Amazon's not messing around - they use CAPTCHAs, rate limits, and IP blocks to stop scrapers.

Scraping Responsibly

Want to stay out of trouble? Here's how:

1. Stick to public stuff

Scrape product info that's out in the open. Don't touch private account data or anything behind a login.

2. Follow the robots.txt file

This file tells you what Amazon allows bots to access. Ignore it at your own risk.

3. Don't overdo it

Space out your requests. Make it look like a human is browsing.

4. Use official APIs if you can

Amazon's Product Advertising API and Product Search API are safer bets.

5. Be nice to their servers

Too many requests can slow things down. Keep it light.

Do Don't
Scrape public product info Touch private account data
Follow robots.txt Ignore Amazon's rules
Use official APIs Make tons of requests
Act like a human Scrape for shady reasons

"Scraped data from Amazon is pulled from the lens of the consumer which is often substantially different from data provided by various Amazon APIs." - Grepsr

This quote shows why some people scrape anyway. But watch out - the risks are real.

The legal stuff? It's messy. In 2019, a court said scraping public data doesn't break the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But that doesn't mean it's always OK.

If you're scraping for business, talk to a lawyer. The stakes are high, and laws like GDPR and CCPA make things even more complicated.

Setting Up for Scraping

To scrape Amazon, you need the right tools and setup. Here's what you need to know:

Tools for the Job

Your tool choice can make or break your scraping. Here are some options:

Tool Good For Key Features
Octoparse New users & companies Auto-detect, 100+ templates, IP rotation
ScrapeStorm Visual scraping AI-powered, easy to use
ParseHub Custom crawlers Free option, flexible

Octoparse is great for Amazon. It offers:

  • No-code scraping
  • Amazon templates
  • Cloud scheduling
  • IP proxies

If you like coding, Python works well. It's flexible and has useful libraries for scraper APIs.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Here's how to set up:

1. Pick your tool: New? Try Octoparse or a browser add-on like Data Miner.

2. Python setup (if coding):

  • Get Python
  • Make a virtual environment
  • Install libraries

3. Data storage: For big scrapes, think about using a database.

4. Automate: If you scrape often, set up scheduled scripts.

5. Handle errors: Be ready for rate limits or timeouts.

Amazon's tough on scrapers. Use IP rotation and mind the rate limits to avoid blocks.

"SOAX's Amazon scraper API has a $1.99 three-day trial", says a SOAX rep. It's a cheap way to start scraping.

No-Code Scraping Tools

Want Amazon data without coding? No-code scraping tools have you covered. Here's the scoop:

ScrapingLab: Amazon's Data Buddy


ScrapingLab is all about Amazon. It lets you:

  • Grab data from up to 10,000 Amazon pages
  • Get clean JSON data
  • Use templates to get started fast

Using it? Easy:

  1. Pick an Amazon template
  2. Add your URLs
  3. Choose your data fields
  4. Hit start
  5. Download your JSON

Tool Showdown

How does ScrapingLab stack up? Let's compare:

Tool Sweet Spot Cool Stuff Cost
ScrapingLab Amazon focus JSON, 10k page limit Not listed
Octoparse Visual scraping 100+ templates, scheduling $89/month+
ScrapeStorm AI-powered Smart mode, user-friendly Free start
ParseHub Custom crawlers Free option, flexible $189/month+

Octoparse shines for Amazon. It's got:

  • Amazon templates
  • Visual builder
  • IP rotation to dodge blocks

"Octoparse turns websites into structured gold. It's your web data extraction buddy, handling AJAX, JavaScript, and CAPTCHAs with a visual setup", an Octoparse rep boasts.

Quick scraping? Try browser extensions. Serious data needs? Desktop tools like Octoparse pack more punch.

Just remember: Check site terms before scraping. Play nice with Amazon to avoid trouble.


How to Scrape Amazon: Step-by-Step

Want to grab Amazon data without coding? Here's how:

Choose Your Target

Amazon's packed with data. Focus on what you need:

  • Product details
  • Customer reviews
  • Seller info
  • Pricing trends

Start small. Test with 1-2 data points before going all in.

Build Your Scraper

No coding? No sweat. Use Apify:

  1. Go to Apify's Amazon Product Scraper
  2. Sign up (free)
  3. Paste your Amazon URL
  4. Set "Max items" (start with 10-20)
  5. Pick "Residential proxy"
  6. Hit "Start"

Want options? Try Hexomatic:

Tool What It Scrapes
Product Data Automation Basic product info
Reviews Automation Customer feedback
Seller Finder Merchant details
Product Search Bulk product data

Tackle Multiple Pages

Got a big list? Here's the game plan:

  1. Make a Google Sheet: "Amazon Scraper"
  2. Create two tabs: "Links" and "Data"
  3. Use's template:
    • Install it
    • Link your Sheet
    • Set up the scraping loop
    • Choose where to save data
  4. Test with 5-10 products
  5. If it works, let it rip!

Play nice with Amazon:

  • Don't overload their servers
  • Follow robots.txt
  • Add delays between requests

Now go scrape some data!

Advanced Scraping Methods

IP and Browser Switching

Want to scrape Amazon without getting blocked? You need to mix up your IPs and browser identities. Here's the deal:

1. Rotating proxies

Use a big pool of IPs (aim for 10 million+). Swap them out for each request. Residential proxies are your best bet - they look more like real users.

2. Act human

Add random delays between requests (1-5 seconds). Don't follow the same browsing pattern every time. Switch up your user agents.

3. Go global

Try accessing Amazon from different locations. You'll get location-specific prices and shipping data.

Proxy Type Good Bad
Residential Harder to spot Costs more
Datacenter Fast and cheap Easier to block

Beating CAPTCHAs

Amazon loves throwing CAPTCHAs at bots. Here's how to deal:

1. CAPTCHA-solving services

CapSolver can crack text, image, and audio CAPTCHAs. It'll cost you about $2 per 1000 solves.

2. Browser automation

Tools like Puppeteer and Playwright can sometimes slip past CAPTCHAs by acting more human-like.

3. Specialized APIs

Oxylabs Web Unblocker uses AI to bust through CAPTCHAs. ScraperAPI claims they can get past Amazon 98% of the time.

Here's a quick example using Oxylabs:

from oxylabs_web_scraper import WebScraper

scraper = WebScraper(

result = scraper.get('')

Just remember: Even with these tricks, you might hit some walls. Always play nice with Amazon's robots.txt file and scrape responsibly.

Managing Scraped Data

After scraping Amazon, you need to clean and store your data. Here's how to make your scraped info useful:

Cleaning and Organizing Data

Raw scraped data is messy. Clean it up like this:

1. Remove duplicates

Use pandas to get rid of repeat entries:

data.drop_duplicates(subset=["Product Link"], inplace=True)

2. Standardize formats

Make dates, prices, and other data types consistent.

3. Trim whitespace

Get rid of extra spaces:

df["product_name"] = df["product_name"].str.strip()

4. Normalize URLs

Simplify product URLs:

df['url'] = df['url'].str.extract(r'^(.+?/dp/[\w]+/)')

5. Handle missing data

Decide to fill in or remove incomplete entries.

Where to Store Data

Your storage choice depends on your data size and use. Here are some options:

Storage Best For Pros Cons
CSV files Small datasets Easy to use Size limits, basic queries
JSON files Nested data Flexible, readable Larger files
MySQL Structured data Fast, powerful queries Needs setup
MongoDB Unstructured data Flexible, scalable Harder to learn
AWS S3 Big datasets Scalable, accessible Costs money

For most Amazon scraping, CSV or JSON work well. Here's how to save:

df.to_csv("amazon_products.csv", index=False)

with open('amazon_products.json', 'w') as json_file:
    json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

For lots of data or complex analysis, try a database like MySQL. It's great for tracking price trends or customer ratings.

Automating Amazon Scraping

Want to save time on Amazon scraping? Let's automate it.

Setting Up Regular Scraping

Here's a quick way to get your scraper running on autopilot:

1. Create a Google Sheet

Make two tabs: 'Amazon product links' and 'Data'.

2. Install an Amazon scraper template

Set it up to pull from your Google Sheet.

3. Configure the scraper

Add URLs and pick what data you want.

4. Set up data writing

Choose 'Add to existing' to keep old data.

5. Test it out

Start small before going big.

For more muscle, try cloud tools like Octoparse. They've got IP proxies and CAPTCHA solvers to help you dodge blocks.

Keeping Your Scraper Healthy

Don't let your scraper run wild. Here's how to keep it in check:

1. Set up alerts

Get notified if your data suddenly changes.

2. Handle common hiccups

Problem Fix
HTTP errors Use try-except
Connection issues Auto-retry
Parsing problems Check your data
CAPTCHAs Use solvers or do it manually
Rate limits Slow down requests

3. Rotate proxies

Spread requests across IPs to fly under the radar.

4. Play by Amazon's rules

Check robots.txt and don't go too fast.

5. Act human

Switch up user agents and add random delays.

Here's a simple way to handle HTTP errors in Python:

import requests

url = ''

    response = requests.get(url)  
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:  
    print(f'HTTP error: {err}')

Keep an eye on your scraper, and it'll keep running smooth.


Amazon scraping is powerful, but it comes with responsibilities. Here's what you need to know:

Ethical scraping is a must. Respect Amazon's rules and user privacy:

  • Check robots.txt files
  • Scrape during off-peak hours
  • Use APIs when available

Don't just republish scraped data. Create new value from it.

What's next for 2024?

  • More ethical scraping tools
  • AI in data analysis
  • Real-time data demand

To stay ahead:

1. Keep learning

Web scraping tech moves fast. Stay in the loop.

2. Use the right tools

User Type Tool
Beginners Browser extensions
Small businesses Desktop scrapers (Octoparse)
Large-scale ops Cloud solutions (ScraperAPI)

3. Protect data

Follow GDPR when handling scraped info.

4. Be ready for challenges

Anti-scraping tech is getting smarter. Your methods need to keep up.

Remember: Scraping is just step one. The real value? How you use that data to drive your business forward.

As you start scraping Amazon, keep ethics first, pick your tools smart, and always add value to the data you grab.


Does Amazon support web scraping?

Amazon's take on web scraping isn't black and white. Here's the deal:

OK to Scrape Hands Off
Product info Login-protected data
Prices Personal details
Reviews Sensitive stuff
Public data

You can scrape public data, but play by Amazon's rules:

  • Follow the robots.txt file
  • Don't go overboard with requests
  • Keep your hands off the site's functionality

James Keenan from Smartproxy puts it this way:

"Amazon's cool with scraping product info, prices, reviews, and other public data. But anything behind a login, personal info, or sensitive data? That's a big no-no and breaks their terms of service."

A few more things:

  • Break the rules, and you might get your IP banned or worse
  • Scraping laws vary depending on where you are
  • Always double-check Amazon's current scraping policy

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