Web Scraping: Handling API Rate Limits

Updated: October 13, 2024

Want to scrape data without getting blocked? Here's how to handle API rate limits:

  1. Understand rate limits

  2. Find limit info in API docs and response headers

  3. Use these tactics to avoid hitting limits:

    • Add delays between requests
    • Rotate IP addresses
    • Use multiple API keys
    • Cache data locally
  4. Handle rate limit errors with backoff strategies

  5. Follow best practices:

    • Respect website rules
    • Don't overload servers
    • Use official APIs when available

Quick tips:

  • Watch for 429 (Too Many Requests) errors
  • Use exponential backoff when retrying
  • Monitor your request count

Remember: Smart scraping keeps you within limits and avoids bans.

Tactic How it works
Delays Space out requests
IP rotation Use different addresses
Multiple keys Spread requests across accounts
Caching Store and reuse data

By following these strategies, you'll scrape efficiently while staying on the right side of API limits.

What are API Rate Limits?

API rate limits are caps on how often you can ping a server in a given timeframe. Think of them as traffic cops for data highways.

Definition of Rate Limits

Rate limits restrict API calls a user or app can make in a set period. For instance, Twitter caps most endpoints at 15 calls every 15 minutes. Go beyond that, and you're blocked.

Common Rate Limit Types

Rate limits come in a few forms:

  • Calls per second/minute/hour/day (most common)
  • Hard limits (cut you off when reached)
  • Soft limits (let you finish but log a warning)
  • Burst limits (cap short-term spikes)

How APIs Apply Rate Limits

APIs track and enforce limits through:

1. IP-based tracking

Counts requests from each IP address.

2. API key tracking

Monitors calls linked to your unique key.

3. User authentication

May offer higher limits for logged-in users.

4. Header information

Sends limit data in response headers.

Here's how some big names handle rate limits:

Company Rate Limit Approach
Twitter 'Leaky bucket' method, x-ratelimit-remaining header
GitHub Secondary limit for GraphQL, warning messages
Slack Multiple limit types (key-level, method-level, app user access tokens)

Hit a rate limit? You'll likely get a 429 Too Many Requests error. That's the API's way of saying "ease up!"

"API rate limiting keeps API systems stable and performing well. It helps avoid downtime, slow responses, and attacks."

Finding Rate Limit Information

Knowing where to find rate limit details is crucial for web scraping. Here's how to locate and understand this info:

Where to Find Rate Limit Info

  1. API Documentation

Most APIs spell out their rate limits in their docs. Take Okta, for example:

  • They break it down by authentication/end user and management
  • Each API has its own limits
  • There are org-wide rate limits too
  1. Response Headers

Many APIs pack rate limit info into response headers. Okta uses three:

Header What It Means
X-Rate-Limit-Limit Your request's rate limit ceiling
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining Requests left in this window
X-Rate-Limit-Reset When the limit resets (UTC epoch seconds)
  1. Developer Consoles

Some APIs give you dashboards to watch your usage. Google Maps' Developer Console lets you:

  • See how much you're using the API
  • Check your quotas and limits
  • Get usage reports and alerts

Reading Headers and Status Codes

To manage rate limits, you need to understand headers and status codes:

  1. Normal Request
HTTP/1.1 200
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 600
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 598
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 1609459200

This means you've got 598 out of 600 requests left in this window.

  1. Rate Limit Exceeded
HTTP/1.1 429
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: 600
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 0
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: 1609459200

See that 429 status code? It means "Too Many Requests". You're out of requests until the reset time.

Ways to Handle Rate Limits

Hitting rate limits when scraping APIs? Here's how to work around them:

Add Delays Between Requests

Space out your API calls. Use time.sleep() in Python or setTimeout() in JavaScript.

Got 100 requests per minute? Add a 0.6-second delay:

import time
import requests

for item in data:

Use Multiple API Keys

Spread requests across different credentials:

  1. Get multiple API keys
  2. Create a key pool
  3. Rotate keys for each request
api_keys = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
key_index = 0

for item in data:
    current_key = api_keys[key_index]
    requests.get(f"https://api.example.com/{item}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {current_key}"})
    key_index = (key_index + 1) % len(api_keys)

Change IP Addresses

Distribute requests across IPs:

Method Pros Cons
Free proxies Cheap Unstable
Paid proxies Reliable Pricey
VPNs User-friendly Limited IPs

Store Data Locally

Cache frequent data to cut API calls:

import json

def get_data(item_id):
    cache_file = f"cache_{item_id}.json"
        with open(cache_file, "r") as f:
            return json.load(f)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        data = requests.get(f"https://api.example.com/{item_id}").json()
        with open(cache_file, "w") as f:
            json.dump(data, f)
        return data

These methods help you scrape more efficiently while respecting API limits.

Coding for Rate Limit Handling

Let's talk about managing rate limits when scraping API data. Here's the lowdown:

Adding Delays and Backoff

Want to avoid rate limits? Add delays between requests:

import time
import requests

for item in data:
    response = requests.get(f"https://api.example.com/{item}")
    time.sleep(0.5)  # 500ms delay

But here's a smarter way - exponential backoff:

import time
import random
import requests

def fetch_with_backoff(url, max_retries=5):
    delay = 1
    for attempt in range(max_retries):
            response = requests.get(url)
            return response.json()
        except requests.RequestException:
            delay *= 2
            delay += random.uniform(0, 1)
    raise Exception("Max retries reached")

This code doubles the delay after each fail and adds some randomness. Neat, right?

Working with Rate Limit Headers

Many APIs use headers to tell you about rate limits. Here's how to use them:

import requests

response = requests.get("https://api.github.com/users/octocat")

limit = int(response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Limit", 0))
remaining = int(response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Remaining", 0))
reset_time = int(response.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Reset", 0))

print(f"Rate limit: {limit}")
print(f"Remaining requests: {remaining}")
print(f"Reset time: {reset_time}")

This code checks GitHub's API headers to see where you stand with rate limits.

Handling Rate Limit Errors

Hit a rate limit? APIs often return a 429 status code. Here's how to deal with it:

import time
import requests

class APIClient:
    def __init__(self, api_url, headers):
        self.api_url = api_url
        self.headers = headers

    def send_request(self, json_request, max_retries=5):
        for attempt in range(max_retries):
            response = requests.post(

            if response.status_code == 429:
                retry_after = int(response.headers.get("Retry-After", 1))
                print(f"Rate limit hit. Waiting {retry_after} seconds...")
                return response

        raise Exception("Max retries exceeded")

This APIClient class automatically waits and retries when it hits a rate limit. Pretty cool, huh?


Advanced Rate Limit Techniques

Let's dive into some advanced methods for handling API rate limits in large-scale web scraping.

Scraping Across Multiple Machines

Want to speed up your scraping while staying within rate limits? Try spreading the work across several computers:

  • Use different IP addresses for each machine
  • Set up a central system to distribute tasks

Here's a simple idea: Create a script that listens on a specific port, takes in URLs, processes them, and sends results back to your main machine. This spreads out the work and lowers the chance of hitting rate limits on one IP.

Using Request Queues

Request queues are a MUST for managing big scraping jobs. They help control request flow and keep you within rate limits. Check out this example using Bulljs:

const queueWithRateLimit = new Queue('WITH_RATE_LIMIT', process.env.REDIS_HOST, {
    limiter: {
        max: 1,
        duration: 2000,

This setup allows 1 job every 2 seconds, limiting you to 30 requests per minute. Adjust these numbers based on the API's limits.

Adjusting to API Responses

Smart scrapers adapt. Here's how:

  1. Watch rate limit headers: Many APIs tell you your current rate limit status. Use this info to adjust your request rate.

  2. Use exponential backoff: Hit a rate limit? Increase the delay between requests exponentially.

  3. Cache data: Store frequently accessed info locally to cut down on API calls.

Best Practices and Ethics

Scraping responsibly isn't just good manners - it's crucial for avoiding bans and legal trouble. Here's how to do it right:

Follow the Rules

Before you start scraping, check the website's terms of service and robots.txt file. These tell you what you can and can't do.

Want to see an example? Just go to https://www.g2.com/robots.txt to view G2's rules.

Ignore these, and you might get your IP banned or worse. Just ask hiQ Labs - they lost a court case to LinkedIn in 2022 for scraping public profiles.

Don't Overdo It

Scrape too fast, and you'll crash servers or get blocked. Here's how to avoid that:

  • Add delays between requests
  • Set rate limits in your code
  • Avoid peak traffic times

Google Maps API is a good example. They have usage limits and a Developer Console to help you stay within them.

Look for Official Sources

Before you start scraping, see if there's an official API or partnership available. These often give you:

  • Better data quality
  • Easier-to-use formats
  • Clear guidelines

Take Twitter's v2 API. It lets you grab up to 500,000 tweets per month - plenty for most projects without resorting to scraping.

Method Good Bad
Official API Clean, reliable data Might have tighter limits
Scraping More data available Could break website rules
Partnerships Direct access, higher limits Can cost more

Fixing Common Rate Limit Problems

Scraping data? You'll hit rate limits. Here's how to spot and fix them:

Spotting Rate Limit Errors

Look for these HTTP status codes:

Status Code Meaning
429 Too Many Requests
403 Forbidden (sometimes rate limiting)

You'll often see headers like:

X-RateLimit-Limit: 60
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1623423600

Checking Rate Limit Code

Test your rate limit handling:

1. Set up a mock API with rate limits

2. Run your scraper against it

3. Check if it backs off and retries correctly

Here's a basic Python example:

import requests
import time

def make_request(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 429:
        retry_after = int(response.headers.get('Retry-After', 60))
        return make_request(url)
    return response

Making Scraping Scripts Better

  1. Use exponential backoff: Wait longer between retries.
  2. Rotate IP addresses: Spread requests across IPs.
  3. Cache data: Store results locally.
  4. Monitor usage: Track request count and quota.

For instance, GitHub's API allows 60 unauthenticated requests per hour. Hit that limit? Wait 60 minutes.

"Keep an eye on these metrics. They'll help you spot usage spikes that might push you over rate limits."


Web scraping with API rate limits isn't a walk in the park. But don't worry - we've got you covered.

Here's the deal:

1. Know your limits

Every API has its own rulebook. Dive into that documentation and get familiar with the specifics.

2. Keep count

You don't want to hit a wall unexpectedly. Keep tabs on your request count.

3. Get smart

Use these tricks to dance around rate limits:

Trick What it does
Slow down Add breathers between requests
Switch it up Use different IP addresses
Save for later Store data locally for reuse
Bundle up Combine multiple requests

4. Roll with the punches

When you get a 429 (Too Many Requests) response, handle it like a pro.

5. Play nice

Follow the rules and don't go overboard with your scraping speed.

Bottom line? Handling rate limits right is your ticket to scraping success. It's how you get the data you need without rocking the boat or getting shown the door.


What's a rate limit in web scraping?

A rate limit caps how many requests you can make to a website in a given time. Go over it, and you might:

  • Get blocked
  • Get banned
  • Get error messages

Take Twitter's API: Their Basic tier lets you grab 500,000 Tweets per month. Push past that? You'll hit a "Too Many Requests" error.

How do you dodge rate limits?

Rotate proxies. It's that simple. Here's the gist:

  1. Get a bunch of proxy servers
  2. Switch between them after X requests
  3. Your scraper looks like it's coming from all over the place

ScrapingBee, for example, uses over 20,000 proxies. That's how they help users scrape big-time without hitting limits.

How can I handle API rate limits?

Try these:

  1. Throttling: Check all incoming requests
  2. Request Queues: Cap requests in a set time
  3. Smart Algorithms: Use fancier methods to control flow

Here's a pro tip from Salesforce Developers:

"Hit a 429 error? Use exponential backoff logic."

In plain English: If you hit a limit, wait longer between tries. Start at 1 second, then 2, then 4, and so on.

Quick reminders:

  • Cache access tokens
  • Use expires_in to time token refreshes
  • Take HTTP 429 errors as a hint to slow down

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